
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And the new heiress is!

KATHRYN. By two votes. Gotta admit, I'm slightly disappointed. But don't worry, I'll survive. ;) A big thanks to everyone who voted, and I promise I'll have the next chapter up within the next few days! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Family Tree update.

So while I was playing, I found out that, not only did Sam and his girlfriend Joyce (I think was her name) get married, they also had a daughter - little Christa Sekemoto. So of course I had to update the family tree. If you want to see it click here. :)

Generation One: Chapter Eight

So, with the addition of two new babies comes another chapter (and two additions to the heiress poll) in this little legacy of insanity.

After the girls were born everyone headed to sleep. This house was becoming way too crazy; everyone was exhausted and their moodlets kept dropping into the yellow/red area. Well, of course Quinn went to bed way later than everyone else, so she was still sleeping by the time the kids went to school (not very happy, might I add. I believe one or two of them needed showers, and probably breakfast as well). Midday rolled around and Leighton went to work, as usual, leaving Quinn to take care of the craptastic household chores and two crying infants. Yay.

Caleb received an opportunity from school to catch a fish and bring it to the science facility, so once school let out I sent him to the pond near their house, figuring that if it took him a long time to catch something then at least he'd be close to home.

Little did I know he wouldn't catch ANYTHING. At all.

>_< Fail.

Anyway. So Leighton returned home that evening to a disaster of a house - there were items that needed cleaning and two babies whose diapers needed changing.

(This made me giggle. The idiot is mid-run and he's clutching his nose. Can you tell I really don't like Leighton anymore??)

Well, after a quick nap, Adam went to the kitchen table to do his homework. Apparently he wasn't very pleased about the dirty dish on the table. I know, Adam. One of these days (though probably not while YOU'RE living here) this place will actually look classy. ... Heh. Right.

No sooner had he sat down than his brother and sister decided they ought to be good children and do their homework as well. Mommy even joined them (she was starving and decided that, unless she wanted to waste away, she should eat something), creating a nice cozy little picture.

. . . . Or, you know, it would be. If Quinn wasn't apparently pissed off at Loryn about something. O_o; You know, I didn't give Quinn any mean traits, but MAN, she is turning out to be a royal witch with a B. (She just doesn't seem to like kids - although, with as many as she's had, can you blame her for having a short fuse??)

After dinner and a quick workout, Quinn seemed to be feeling a bit better towards her children. The babies, at any rate. She changed them and fed them and didn't seem to go all 'Exorcist' on them at any point.

Caleb had gotten in trouble earlier, for skipping school I believe (although it really isn't his fault; he WAS on his way - the game just decided it would make him take forever so that he'd be late and get yelled at and grounded.), so to show some good behavior he decided to help out Mumsie while she was asleep.

Ironically, all this was going on while Caleb had the 'Mood Swings' moodlet. xD And of course he rolled a wish to egg someone's house. So where did I send him? The same place his half-brother visited before him: Chateau Landgraab.

When I saw him come out with the cane I was soooo hoping for a good old-fashioned beating. >:D But sadly, no. :(

Caleb's next wish was to insult a teenager. But first I had to find him one, 'cause somehow he had to friends his own age. (Poor thing... if it weren't for his family the social worker would have taken him away for being so lonely.) So I sent him to the Keaton household, where he ran into Rocco. Caleb hadn't even been inside for ten minutes before he started making fun of the guy. It's not his fault he looks like he just warped out of the seventies.

The hand thing made me laugh. In game, it was back and forth like that a few times, side to side. It was quite funny. I had him insult Rocco twice just so I could see it again. xD

Well, with that deed done, Caleb was sent home. I went ahead of him to check out the home situation and found Leighton examining himself in the mirror.

Yes, Leighton. You ARE old. Deal with it.

I had forgotten that the girls were aging up, so thank Merlin for that annoying focus-on-sim thing it does, or I would never have known. Beatrice went from a mushy little worm to an adorable little toddler with surprisingly decent-looking hair/clothes.

Alyx... well, not so much.

Yikes! >_< Not only is the cut horrendous, but the hair color is just terrible as well. What is WITH that nasty, puke-green color!? Um, no. That will be fixed ASAP.

. . . Except Quinn's aging up as well.

I dunno what you're looking so proud about, Quinny. You're OLD. And your hair looks ridiculous. Stop with the Peter Pan pose, it's creeping me out. (Especially when I realize just where her eyes are directed, exactly... And if that's any indication, they may just have a few more babies yet. >_<)

Much better. Now I believe Leighton went to feed himself while Quinn took care of Beatrice (who was probably hungry at this point). Alyx was getting lonely, though, so Loryn took it upon herself to cheer up the little tyke. Isn't that just adorable? Even with the funny headgear on. (Actually, it probably makes it more amusing for the tots - I don't have a close-up of the headgear but Lor probably looks ridiculous. xD)

I was informed shortly after that Leighton and Quinn received yet another free vacation, and off they went - and Leighton without his dinner, too. Oh darn. -sarcasm- >:(

Of course, this meant Caleb was in charge. Amazingly he got all the kids to school relatively happy and on time (Him? Not so much.), but apparently Leighton didn't trust Caleb to run the house, because - as is becoming habit for him - he left his wife on their vacay and went to work.

Since Caleb still had that fishing opportunity for school, I sent him back to the pond to try to catch a fish. Well, apparently he was out past curfew, even though he literally lived right down the street, so the cop had to bring him home.

Leighton's scary face is definitely scary, but on a different level... o-o

Naturally Caleb was grounded. But even so he rolled a 'Throw teen party' wish. Well, dad was home, so we'd have to work around that.

Leighton went to work around four that morning, leaving the kids at home, sound asleep (with nothing but a teenager for protection). Well, except for the tots. They were in their room playing - and starving. Thank Merlin for Adam, or those poor babies would be gonezo by now.

Look at him, bein' the sweet big bro and feeding them. He even took time out of playing Astronaut to do it, too. Aww, I'll miss him. :(

Moving on. As per Caleb's wish, I had him throw a teen party for that evening - seven or eight in the evening, I do believe, as it's only available between five and eleven. Being a Saturday, the kids had nothing to do. So Caleb spent some quality time with his baby sister, and Adam, after fulfilling his brotherly duties, spent some time talking to... himself?

Oh wait, maybe it's just his imaginary friend. That's a relief - I didn't want to have to send him to the nuthouse early. :O

It's always funny watching a sim pillow fight with their imaginary friend from a different sim's point of view. They look so stupid. xD

Somebody had left some food out uncooked the night before, so after getting the house mostly ready, Caleb decided to make those waffles before the party. Hey, they weren't cooked, so how bad could they be?

I don't remember this chick's name, but she showed up to the party first. And the flood of people arrived after her. O_O

Seriously, that's all they did for most of the party. They stood there and complained about poor Beatrice, even though I specifically bought a radio for them to dance to. >_< Poor Loryn looks stupid out there on the front lawn, dancing by herself... Ridiculous.

And then this chick here - Anaita, I think her name was, or Anita, IDK - decided to tell a ghost story. That was interesting at first. I was glad more than one person could sit and listen, because the first time I tried it only one person listened.

And here we have... the two creepy girls hanging in the parents' bedroom, the random chick in the sleeping bag, and the one decent chick who attempted to help out with the babies.

The first person at the party has taken over Loryn's bed. She wasn't too happy about this. And I don't know why the one girl is just staring at her while she's asleep... O_o Lotta creeperz in SV...

Now where's Leighton, you're asking? Oh, that's an easy one. He had to work, you know, and he didn't get off till four. Well, I didn't want to send him home and then back out again, so he hung out at a local bar until he got so tired he couldn't take it anymore and had to come home. By this point in time one of the girls in the parents' room had left, but one was still standing there.

For some reason my sims always want to nap instead of go to sleep, and when I saw this going on I just had to stop. . . . There are so many things I could say, but I'm trying to keep this appropriate. xD

So miss creeper watches Leighton while he's asleep. Don't ask. I haven't.

Some time later, as Caleb was putting the girls to bed, he received a phone call that one of the neighbors had called the police, complaining about loud noises. So it was time to break up the party and get everyone to high tail it home.

The cop showed up after everyone left (and well after dawn) saying that there had been complaints about loud noise, but nothing was going on, so "just be careful next time." Or something along those lines. She obviously wasn't very good at her job. Caleb doesn't even respect her; he just walked off to school without paying attention to her. xD

And of course Leighton had to go to work, so in comes the babysitter. >_< Hate those people. They're absolutely awful. This one stood outside for, like, ever before finally setting foot in the house.

Well, she did feed the baby, at least. Maybe she's not so bad after all.

... I take it back. She's terrible! Quit complaining that the kid is crying and do something about it! Stupid...

Look at her, the poor baby. She's so hungry she just can't help herself! And how could you do that to that adorable little face? Hm??

By the time the sitter got her act together Caleb was home from school, so he was able to feed Beatrice. And guess what? More ghosties. I wouldn't mind it if the stupid ghost hunters actually did something productive.

Quinn came back from vacay an hour early, probably thinking about that swanky hotel she stayed at, and she arrived just as the ghost hunter left. >_<

One of the kids had been doing dishes to try to help out, but they ended up causing more problems than the parents needed. Now, not only was the toilet broke, but the sink was spouting water as well. Oh, and the GH came back too. Finally. She's the same one as last time, if I recall. The one that ate their food. -_- I don't like this one.

Adam woke up from his nap, amid all the chaos, and thought he ought to try and do some homework, since those poor kids were probably going to flunk out of school because their homework was turned in so irregularly. As he was sitting down he noticed his dad passed out on the floor. At least we know it wasn't because he was drinking.

Oh goodie. Stalkerazzi alert! >_< She just shows up whenever she feels like. I'm sure everyone in SV will know about Leighton passing out by tomorrow. >_<
I love the imaginary friends. xD They keep me entertained by randomly mopping when I don't feel like making one of the other sims do it. And, as a bonus, I can't see them, so it's like the mop is possessed. xD

. . . I swear, we're gonna have to add her to the family if she keeps this up. YOU. DO NOT. LIVE. HERE. >_<

I don't like the way she's staring at Adam... HE'S A KID, creeper. GO AWAY.

So I had sent Quinn to the nearby subway station to play for some tips (is that why all those people are hanging around there?? O_o), but she was getting exhausted so I thought I'd bring her home to be a man and kick out the creeper.

What is she, psychic now? Using her sweet new telepathic abilities to learn everyone's innermost thoughts?

"I'm getting something... Leighton... is a moron..." You don't need to be psychic to know that, honey.

So while hubby was in bed, Quinn was forced to get rid of the ghost hunter. See? She's causing problems already. (And notice the open fridge door? Adam had asked for a snacky-poo from his imaginary friend. xD I love it.)

I had specifically sent Leighton to take care of his girls, because as you can tell, they're crying. But what does he stop to do? Let Caleb off the hook. >_< Maybe that boy doesn't need off the hook?

Well, I had been dearly missing my little Kathryn, so I decided to have Leighton pull her from boarding school (I was wondering when she would age up, too. I thought they were supposed to come home to do that?). She arrived just as the kids were leaving for school - unfortunately she couldn't go with them. I was informed, though, that she learned three new skills: dancing, club dancing, and... painting? Maybe? Something unimportant like that. The first two made me laugh.

Looooook, she missed her imaginary friend! <3 Although why she sat on the bathroom floor with him I will NEVER know. *shudders* That's sooooo unsanitary...

Like everything in this household, red moodlets seem to be common, especially among the children. My thought is, why is she smiling when she's starving? (Or maybe it's one of those 'Come here and I'll eat your finger' smiles.)

Boys are such pranksters... Caleb wanted to prank the school, so I had him let all the frogs loose from the science department. Apparently it went off without a hitch.

The family (or some of them) sat down for a nice meal together for once. Brother and sister had a nice little chat, which I always find sweet when they get along that way. It's so hard for siblings to act like that in real life.

And then it was time for Kathryn to age up. (Second one that's been in the bathroom at the time...)

Ninja kick! Hiiiiiiyaa!

Okay, so the clothes aren't HORRIBLE, but we'll still be changing them anyway. The hair is very nice - that's never happened to me before. She aged up INTO a nice hair instead of aging up into a crappy hair. :D

I figured just for fun I'd give her two everyday outfits: a school uniform looking one (since those are sadly lacking) and another everyday one. There, now she looks like a Herondale. :) It was probably almost one by the time Kathryn aged up, so everyone dissipated for the night. Including...

. . . Why is Leighton going to sleep in the sleeping bag in the boys' room? Is there trouble in paradise??

STAY TUNED. O_O (. . . xD)