
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Generation One: Chapter Two

When we last left poor Quinn, she was dreaming of bigger and greater things, and wishing for some actual stuff to furnish the pitiful slab of dirt and grass that was supposed to be her home.

Sorry, dear. It wasn't a dream.

With five hours before work and Quinn's stomach rumbling, I thought it would be a good idea for her to, uh, "introduce" herself to the neighbors. And their fridge.


But, since none of the wealthy neighbors were home, I sent her to the gym instead.

(Oh, sure, when she's at the neighbor's she can run to the subway station. But her own house? No, that extra block is too much! She needs a taxi to get across the park. >.< )

Uh-oh! Stay away from those bars, Quinn!

... Wow. Ice cream for breakfast? Or, lunch, as the case may be. Very healthy, Quinn.

And just as she was finishing her ice cream, look who shows up: Leighton Sekemoto, and he's decided to greet his new flirt by complimenting her... cooking?

O_o Anyway... Just was she was about to hit the restroom before work, Quinn apparently got an urgent page. She needed to leave now or else she'd probably be late and get fired. And then what would happen to her hopes and dreams?

Apparently her coworker, Pauline, is in a hurry to be on time. She must be stressing 'cause she doesn't have the kind of talent that Quinny does. ;)

Her first day on the job and they're asking her to stay late?? Yikes. Well, you're gonna have to do it sometime, Quinn. Might as well get it over with. And who knows? Maybe the boss-man will be impressed with your determination and bump up your pay or something. Lord knows you need it.

Hey, how come those two got off early?!

>:( Seems Quinn got the short end of the stick on that one.

Eight hours later, Quinn managed to rack up an extra 155 simoleons and a decent-sized boost to her performance. All that hard work is tiring, no?

Well, since she looked a bit grungy, I sent her to the gym for a quick shower before booting her butt back home for some much-needed rest.

Thanks to her wonky work schedule, Quinn woke up at 10 AM to find herself in possession of a brand new fridge and a restyled bed. And her first meal out of that fridge? Juice. What else is she supposed to have with no stove or counter?

Apparently she wasn't too happy with the day-old newspaper on her law, because she decided to do a little cleaning before inviting Leighton Sekemoto out to the pool for a few hours' fun before work.


But apparently he wasn't "interested." >.<

So instead she chatted him up for a few hours before work.

I think she was still a bit miffed that he didn't accept her invitation. All she wanted to do was hold hands and skip through the park. Is that so much to ask?? And now she has to go to work.

... Isn't that the taxi driver???

During work Quinn received  TWO opportunities: one to gain a new guitar composition by increasing her guitar level, and another from work to read some book to increase her performance and relationship with the boss-man. Apparently someone wasn't happy with her lack of rock skills. But it's not Quinn's fault her relationship with her boss is bad. Have you SEEN Gus Hart?

I know how you feel, Quinny.

Quinn returned home that evening, had another carton of juice, read her book for work tomorrow, and went to bed. Not a very exciting life, is it? It will be soon.

Not so subtle hints, eh, Quinn? Well, with a day off of work, let's see if we can snag you a man, huh? ;)

However, after several failed attempts at chatting/inviting out Leighton Sekemoto for a romantic lunch, Quinn was forced to eat by herself at the diner. How sad. :(

You know what else is sad?

Xander Clavell passed out in front of the diner.

But on the plus side,  Quinn FINALLY got Leighton on the phone. They chatted for a little bit before she invited him out to the park for a - hopefully - romantic evening. They only flirted once, but who cares? If Miss Herondale wants a man, then she's gonna get herself a man. And with limited funds, foreign men aren't an option. :(

Quinn had had just about enough of waiting and was heading for a chess table when Leighton finally showed up. They chatted aimlessly until Quinn decided she should find out if he was taken or not. Lo and behold, SINGLE. Surprise, surprise. And hey, they even have compatible astrological signs as well!

It's a match made in sim heaven! <3

... What is that supposed to mean? O_o

After that little pick up line, apparently he didn't enjoy her advances until she'd chatted him up a little more. Things soon progressed in the romance department, until finally Quinn got up the nerve to make it official. And then...

... SHE PROPOSED. O_O That was fast. It's only Thursday! Oh well, if they enjoy each other's company... *shrug* Since he's family-oriented and she wants a husband, I let them have a private little wedding right there in front of the fountain.

Aww, aren't they beautiful?! <3 It almost makes you wanna cry. :)

More to come! For now, let's let these newlyweds enjoy these few precious moments... before they have to go to work.

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