
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Generation One: Chapter Five

This legacy is becoming dangerous... a teenager, a child, a toddler, and two soon-to-be toddlers? o_o It's a wonder Quinn's not going crazy yet. I mean, all they've been doing is cleaning, cooking, sleeping, and taking care of the tots while Caleb and Sam are at school. And it's only been twelve hours.

To make matters worse, Sam woke up the next morning (the morning of the twins' birthday, might I add) with the 'mood swing' moodlet. I was excited, because this is the first time I've seen it and I wanted to experiment. Naturally he rolled a rebellious wish to skip school, so after he showered I sent him to a subway in the hopes of getting him away from his parents (and avoiding a grounding). And then he wanted to egg someone's house. Now, what better house to egg than a rich person's? The Herondales already knew the Landgraabs, so Sam decided they would be the best target.

That little rebel, still throwing eggs at the door even though the owners are coming out. xP Needless to say, he disappeared pretty quick after that. He was still feeling sort of pranky though, so I sent him to the Wolff's to play a little doorbell ditch.

And then the game informed me that Leighton and Quinn had received a free vacation. Woohoo! They deserve it. ;) So a babysitter was sent over while Sam was "at school." Otherwise he could have taken care of them.

Sam spent his day looking for pranks to play and people to beat up (seriously - he had a wish to beat someone up. O_o), and eventually (without my realizing) Leighton returned from his vacay - supposedly to go to work, because Quinny is still gone. And as soon as he got home, Adam and Loryn aged up to toddlers.

This poor house is falling apart without mommy around. All of the kids are failing and Leighton's sitting at the table eating dinner. Deal with your children first, you a-hole! >_<


And just as he was about to take care of the children's urgent needs, Sam strolled in (finally out of his mood swing) and Leighton stopped EVERYTHING HE WAS DOING to scold him and make him stand in a time out. 

Haha. "What am I gonna do with this kid?!" "Can't believe he put me in a TIME OUT... What am I, a toddler like Loryn?!" xD No but seriously, Sam was not a happy camper. He promptly rolled a wish to see Leighton's ghost. O_O And then after putting a screaming Kathryn to bed, he rolled a wish to steal her candy. (Why does a toddler have candy anyway??)

Well, mommy's still on vacation, and everybody's out. They were all so exhausted (stupid babysitters not doing their jobs >_<) that they practically fell into bed. Especially the older kids; they couldn't sleep with all the little kids crying, or they would have gone to bed sooner.

And as Leighton headed off to work, Sam was forced to care for his younger half-siblings. Not doing such a great job. He already stole candy from Kathryn, and wants to move in on Loryn's stash now too?!

Sam was still in trouble for skipping work (Yeah - it said skipping his part-time job; not skipping school. u_u), so to make up for it (and maybe cancel out those candy swipes) he tried to potty train Kathryn some while dad was asleep, since she was aging up soon.

Things had gotten so filthy lately that Sam decided to clean up a little too. His good behavior must have pulled at Leighton's heartstrings because he finally let Sam off the hook. He shouldn't have done that, because Sam booby trapped the shower, and Leighton didn't realize it until it was too late.

The next afternoon Quinn and "Leighton" came home (some random glitch) from vacation, but when she arrived Quinn was invisible. O_o So I reset her, hoping that would fix it. Nope. Went into CAS with her, and then went out. Nada. Sent her to play for tips anyway, hoping something would reset her on its own and she'd be visible again, and then I see this:

It would be funny if it didn't mean something glitching. >_<

Well, after using Master Controller's 'reset everything' option she was finally fixed. (On the bright side, all the kids' moodlets reset as well, so I had more time to teach 'em stuff.) Leighton had to go to work (as usual) so Quinn settled down to teach Adam to talk while the kids played.

Aaah, the rightful order of things. :D

I'd completely forgotten with all of the issues that weekend, but since it was Sunday, it was prom day! And guess what showed up to pick up Sam?

That's right. A limo. ... Or not? For some reason, Sam got into the limo and then right back out. He'd previously invited over Judy Bunch (my mistake; thought it was Lisa. There was no picture), who showed up waddling with a cane. And then she promptly left (whether in the limo or not IDK) with a 'bad outing' notification. And Sam had no 'go to prom' actions. >_< Although he visited the school to pull a prank (which he never got to do, because his dad showed up), and the prom music was coming out of the building, so... *rolls eyes* Anywhoo. He had the 'learn to drive' wish so I'd sent his dad there to teach him, and I bought them a car and everything (not a nice one, of course; they need a nice house before they're allowed to have a nice car, IMO). But every time I clicked on either of them there was no 'teach/ask to drive' interaction. -sigh- So, Sam, you don't get to learn to drive.

Well, I sent them both home and attempted to put the kiddies in bed, but every time an adult tried to interact with the toddlers the action was almost reset from the queue. So after many issues with that, I had to evict them in Edit Town mode and place them back down. Their LTWs are still intact, but all their wishes are gone. *sigh*

But on the plus side, the family settled in that morning (it took ALL NIGHT to fix this >_<) looking quite cozy. :)

A family meal, and all the kids playing happily. ... It's not gonna last. >_<

**Well, that's it for this chapter. It's short, I know. Don't hate me. x_o; After the glitchiness I didn't feel much like playing (this was last night; I hadn't felt like finishing the chapter either xD), but I'm playing now so hopefully I can get CH. 6 out soon. :) **

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