
Friday, June 17, 2011

Umm... yeah.... o-o

So you know how I told ya I'd have Ch. 7 posted within a couple days of Ch. 6 being posted?? ... I got an HDMI cable for my PS3. And I had to test it out. So for the past three days I've been playing Eternal Sonata and marveling at the sharpness of the graphics. Granted, the graphics are kind of funny looking anyways (just the way things were drawn; I think it's Japanese originally), but it looked so much better. I was playing it, up until ten or fifteen minutes ago when the power flickered (and thus ending my video game tournament with myself >_<). Since I don't really feel like turning it back on, waiting for it to load, etc., I'm going to work on the Herondales. :) (Plus maybe if my tv is off for the rest of the evening it might not be so flippin' hot in here when I go to sleep.)

Just an update. :)

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