That's your fault, Quinny. It takes two to tango, ya know. ;)
The next few days passed quickly. Quinn spent a lot of her time sleeping, eating, and running to the spa for massages, while Leighton catered to her needs, took care of Caleb, and did the housework. Not to mention going to work at the stadium. He was even forced to gain a skill level in handiness because things were breaking all over the place.
Well Quinn decided it was time for another massage, so I sent her off to the spa. And since Leighton and Caleb seemed bored by their surroundings, and Leighton could use some more handiness, I sent the two of them to the library to do a bit of reading.
Well, shortly after they arrived I received a notification about Quinn. Not bothering to read it, I paused and zoomed in on her, and this is what I find:
Quinn, going into labor, while some moron just stands there scratching his head. >_< Idiot.
Needless to say, I sent her home to have the baby. Leighton and Caleb would join her, just as soon as he gained another level... -_-;
So after several hours of labor, little miss Kathryn Herondale was born.
Aww, isn't she beautiful? (Minus the dents, of course.) Leighton thinks so, too. :)
So Quinn and Leighton fed and changed the kids and put them to bed, and followed soon after. After all, it had been a long day for them. (Yeah, 'cause reading books and carrying a child is such hard work. >_>) But as much as she loved her family, I think Quinn was missing out on some social time. So she invited her coworkers to the park the next morning to kill two birds with one stone: improve her relationship with them and get out of the house. (Yumi Sekemoto died the next day - and inspite of all Leighton's efforts to invite her over to meet her grandkids before her passing, she just wouldn't do it. *sigh* )
(That's Zelda Mae, I believe. I felt she needed a bit of a makeover, so I altered her hair and makeup a bit. The orange lipstick was just a bit too much for me. Also, note the creepy paparazzi watching them. He obviously hasn't taken 'Stealth Creeping 101' yet.)
And meanwhile Leighton is asleep when he should be working, and his poor children are screaming their heads off because they're hungry and dirty. >_< He may be cute with them, but he's not a very good father, is he?
That's right, Leighton. Rush off to work and leave the babysitter to do your job. I don't see the point, though; the game is almost over and your team won - without you, might I add. Idiot.
Well, that evening, thanks to the magic of adjustable age span, Kathryn aged up into a toddler.
Well, minus that hairstyle, she's an adorable little toddler.
Shortly after, as is apparently tradition, Quinn and Leighton had a little "adult time."
Things went back to normal the next day. Quinn did all the housework while Leighton slept. Quinn was in the middle of teaching Kathryn how to talk, and then all of a sudden she felt queasy and had to run to the bathroom.
..... You've got to be kidding me. >_<
Don't they know what the word 'protection' means?!
Well, maybe Leighton'll get to fulfill his LTW after all.
Since Leighton had to go to work, Quinn decided to leave the kids with the babysitter and head to the spa (man does she love being pampered) for a few hours. Could've used a better babysitter, though. The idiot just stood outside and left poor Kat inside crying for food. >_<
Quinn's pregnancy was confirmed just as she sat down to dinner (and it's not looking too good; I accidentally gave the parents the Fertility Treatment reward. o-o; ), which means a lot of headaches in the future.
At least she's wearing something somewhat cute this time.
Moving along. The next day, Quinn went to the spa and spent the day in the subway playing for tips, so Leighton had to take care of the children in between going to work and sleeping. He invited his son Sam over, since he was living by himself now that his grandma had passed, with the intent on moving his son in with his new family. Caleb also had a birthday, so he aged up to a child.
And since the Herondale's have been very good about not spending much money, I decided they needed a few additions to their abode.
Not too shabby for a girl who started out with nothing, huh? ;) ... Okay, so the paint scheme doesn't match, but you know what? I can only do so much. So you can deal with the purple and green walls until you've got a bit more money for that kind of thing.
Surprisingly, Sam rolled a wish to snuggle his little half-sister Kathryn (also surprisingly, Miraj Alvi called him after school to invite him to prom). That isn't necessarily the surprising part - what surprised me was that he rolled it and he's evil. O_o Granted, he doesn't look too thrilled holding her, but she seems to love him already. :)
After putting her to bed, he and Caleb went to the table to do their homework. And as Quinn was getting ready for bed, it happened. O_O
Of course, she was so tired that she ended up passing out in the living room (consequently, Sam stopped doing his homework to conveniently freak out about Quinn. Note that her own son doesn't even care).
Quinn had twins this time, a boy and a girl (first time that's ever happened to me with twins!): Loryn and Adam. Hopefully THIS IS IT for kids. xD
Next time we'll see how the Herondale's handle having all these kids - and whether or not they have more. ;)
cool, I can't wait for the next chapter!